Monday, June 9, 2014

Keeping busy having fun and loving it all

Well I told you I would write something else today and here it is. As many of you may have noticed I haven't posted since March. To be honest I haven't had motivation to do it recently. Between working at my new job and just being busy in general I haven't had time to write.

My job keeps me busy during the day and a lot of the time I feel exhausted afterwards. Though one major benefit of this job is I'm usually home a lot earlier then I used to be at RBS. Getting out at 5 has made life a lot easier for me and it gives me more time to spend with Marlee. May saw Marlee and myself going to weddings and into the city for a new event called BookCon. Both weddings were a lot of fun and Marlee got a chance to see more Pennsylvania without us getting into another car accident!

Getting a weekend away to Pennsylvania was just what we both needed. It was relaxing and it gave me a chance to see a lot of my close friends that I rarely see. I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend a weekend.

June has barely started and already it is going to be the busiest month so far. This past Saturday my father and I were at the Whippany Railway Museum volunteering with the Wounded Warriors charity. They put together an event for veterans with PTSD and DBI to get them out of the VA hospital for a day. It was the second year that the museum helped with this and the first time I was there. Just giving our veterans a chance to go out relax and have a fun day without any stress was amazing. All the volunteers involved couldn't be happier to help our veterans. It was a good way to spend part of a Saturday and one I will gladly help with again next year.

If you happen to live around Chatham you should stop by the train station this coming Saturday. As part of Fishawack the Chatham Historical Society is setting up a museum to celebrate the train stations 100th birthday. My father, Marlee, and I will be there so come by and learn about railroading in Chatham.

To close out this post I want to say that even though I feel super busy and overwhelmed right now, I actually am enjoying it. Compared to years past where sometimes I wouldn't have much to do it's nice to busy for a change. Though I look forward to a weekend of total relaxation I also can't wait to see what else this busy summer has in store for me.

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