Monday, January 27, 2014

The best thing since sliced bread? Google it!

The phrase "That's the best thing since sliced bread" is used a lot to describe something that is so amazing. It almost is used ubiquitously in conversations by everyone at some point in their lives. But, what is something that is worthy of that catch all phrase? What is something that is so much better then sliced bread?

Thinking off the top of my head the one thing I can think of that is better is Google.  It still blows my mind how one little search engine became such a big part of our lives. I'm not super old but I still remember being super excited to go to the computer lab in elementary school because back then most kids didn't have internet at home. So that one day a week was the best time ever, it meant you got to use a computer and learn anything you wanted. I remember when Google was first starting out, back then a lot of teachers didn't like us using it because it wasn't as accurate for results like Altavista. If you know what that is you are old!

I was about 10 when it came out, and now 15 years later they are the Internet to most people. The word Google is even a verb for searching something on the Internet! If anything is better then sliced bread it's Google. Everyday they keep changing how we view the world, and everyday the world is getting smaller. If you told 10 year old me that one day I'd be able to have a phone that could do everything from getting directions to finding a place to get lunch I would have thought you were crazy. But that is the world we live in now and it still blows me away.

I guess I'm in that strange age period where I can remember vividly the world without Google and the world with it. As I grew up so did Google, it's almost like the older I get the more vast they have become. Who knows that the future holds for them or me for that matter. Google in many ways proves that if you have an idea there is no limits to what you can to achieve it. They have sliced bread and found more ways to make it even better.

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