Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Attached at the hip: My phone and me

Something I still can't get used to after all these years is having a cell phone. I've had one of my own for a long time and it's great but I still can't handle having one. It's reached the point now where my cell phone is always with me. I can't go anywhere without it because it helps me stay connected to everyone as well as provide me a direct line to the internet at all times. There are days where I wish I didn't have a cell phone, I imagine productivity would increase dramatically without it. It has become a necessary accessory like my watch. I can't go anywhere without it and I feel like something is missing if it's not there.

Yet if I were to describe my relationship with my phone I would say it's a relationship filled with a lot of annoyances. Having it constantly around does at times make it hard to disconnect completely from the world. Even now as I'm typing this post my phone is sitting next to me waiting to send me a text or to inform me about something happening on Facebook. The phone to me at times is like a small little dog that never stops yapping at you no matter what you do. It's that little reminder that there is a lot going on in the world and you need to be paying attention to it.

Now I'm not saying that I would get rid of my phone tomorrow if I could, if I did that my life would suck so much. Not being able to communicate directly with people I care about or not being able to keep up on whats going on in the world would drive me crazy. If anything I should make time to disconnect from it more often. Like the next time I take a vacation I'm going to try and not use my phone at all unless I have to. Let it be there when I need it and not when it needs me. Even doing that for a couple days would be amazing.

My phone is a big part of my daily life, but it doesn't have to be the only big part of it. It's time to step back from the phone and let it be that part of life you don't need to cling to all day long.

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