Monday, February 3, 2014

The new human memory?

When I write, I usually write in either my room or in the office I work in after everyone else has gone home for the day. Both locations provide me with different atmospheres and different feels. My room is mine it's filled with things I love, memories, and items that make me smile. The office I work in is a bit bigger, filled with other peoples' computers, their lives are there right in front of me. It's like having access to the sole of someone else. Not to say I look at other peoples' data that would be wrong but, when you take away someones computer you are in a way taking away there memories. A lot of data can be stored on ones computer like, pictures of days gone by, important dates in the future, a letter from someone they care about. The computer is itself a imprint of important moments in the persons life. You take that away from them and they feel lost. 

We rely so heavily on computers to keep memories of things that we don't have room to remember in our own heads. Think about it. When was the last time you didn't keep a record of something important to you on your computer. I bet a lot of you can't remember believe me I'm the same way. We have reached the point in society where the computer has a better memory of our past then we do. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? It's hard to say, on one hand you remove the organic nature of memories, but on the other hand you create a memory that in theory could last longer then you. 

I see the importance of these digital memories everyday at my job. You are guaranteed to have at least a couple people a week come in desperate for us to resurrect a drive that is almost dead. Many times it's the only place they have all the memories of their kids, or a family member that is now dead, or even records of the day they married the person they love. You wonder, why they don't back up these important moments in the event something like this happens. I wonder that all the time but, maybe it's human nature to not do that.

Our brains are an organic hard drive, they store important information for us, and sometimes due to age or other circumstances we lose information. It gets deleted, corrupted, lost forever just like a hard drive. So maybe just maybe the hard drives in our computers are the extension of our organic brains. We just have one extra place to put all the important moments in our lives. It's a subconscious decision and one that makes a lot of sense. 

We as humans don't think beyond the basic thought process of memory. To us memories are either stored in our brains or they are lost forever. The computer has created a supplemental place to remember what matters to us. It still is an ever evolving place and I think in time it will surpass our own brains as the place to remember the past. When that day comes I will assure you that we as humans will never think the same way again.

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